PJ’s Chartres (Dennis Aubrey)

Every once in awhile life reminds me how extraordinarily lucky I am. In PJ McKey, I have a partner who not only tolerates my obsession with medieval architecture but is an equal collaborator in Via Lucis. So today’s post is simple – a sampling of some of the wonderful photographs that PJ took at Notre Dame de Chartres last September.

PJ on the roof of Chartres (Photo by Dennis Aubrey)

Just as a point of reference, in that picture PJ is on a ledge at the height of the upper windows of the south transept. This next shot shows the height from inside the cathedral.

View from the tribunes, Notre Dame de Chartres (Eure) Photo by PJ McKey

During the three days that we were shooting, she worried obsessively that she wasn’t getting anything good – the cathedral was too dark, too crowded, or that she was too out of practice (it was the beginning of the trip). Today’s selection is just another reminder of how superb is her work.

Side chapel, Notre Dame de Chartres (Eure) Photo by PJ McKey
Flying buttesses, Notre Dame de Chartres (Eure) Photo by PJ McKey

If you are interested, we did a recent post on Chartres that features more of her work.

23 thoughts on “PJ’s Chartres (Dennis Aubrey)

  1. well, now i truly know why they’re called ‘flying’ buttresses. you have caught them on the wing! extraordinary. thankful.

    1. We did catch them, in a rain storm no less. And that is a metal roof! Thanks, Rose. I love seeing your name on a post; it reminds me that we need to get together soon, when we go back to LA.

  2. Extraordinary, PJ – your and Dennis’s portaryals of walkabouts thru ecclesiastical architecture/settings are unparalled. Thank you – again.

  3. How lucky and insightful the American Friends of Chartres was in commissioning PJ and you to document the Cathedral! Sincere compliments to PJ for doing justice to the sublime architecture of Chartres.
    I look forward to visiting Chartres again in three years when the eight centuries’ accumulation of candle soot is all gone.

  4. Jong-Soung, the restoration will be spectacular. The apse is almost white now, the refurbished windows sparkle like jewels. We’ll be back in a couple of years to reshoot. Can’t wait. Maybe we’ll see you there:)

  5. Wonderful shots by PJ …. I had forgotten that you guys got to shot at this place …. it is amazing. Did you see the Sancta Camisa? Vincent

    1. They are wonderful, aren’t they? So much fun to look at her shots. We’ve got an exhibition planned later this year in Boston – just the Chartres shots. Will keep you posted. We did get to see the Sancta Camisa as well. Thanks for writing, Vince. We’ve got to come down and see you guys – or maybe in the Berkshires!

  6. Thanks for enjoying my blog. If you get to the South of France, perhaps I could get a few tips for using my camera. There is so much to capture and I would like to give it its due.

  7. The hieghts and angles of these photos lead me to use the descriptor EPIC. great photos. I really enjoy looking at them 🙂

  8. What spectacular photos! We were already planning to visit this amazing church in September but now I am just looking even more forward to seeing it! Thank you also for liking my post today.

    1. You will be amazed by the Cathedral, Gayle. It’s just a short drive from Paris but there is so much to see, you might want to stay overnight. Thanks for your kind words.

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